Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

As of today, my mother and father-in-law have been married 38 years! Last night we enjoyed a dinner party in their honor to celebrate this blessing. Their love of the Lord, each other and their family has left a lasting legacy of faith, family loyalty, and fun!
I'm always blown away at how my in-laws raised four such exceptional men who attracted equally exceptional women. They say it's hard to find a good guy and boy do I believe that's true! But my husband and his three brothers are all incredible men of faith, consistent character and devotion...and they're all great-looking to boot! They were raised as a by-product of their parents' love and devotion to one another and that security has seen them through a lot of life's uncertainties.
I can honestly attribute all of my husband's wonderful qualities to his parents. I never question whether Jeff will be faithful to me because he was raised to do the honorable thing at all costs and honor the Lord with his marriage covenant. That's why Jeff was especially heartbroken when his ex-wife left...He was raised to believe divorce is never an option.
His parents are an incredible example to us of how a Christ-centered marriage works and we're both grateful to benefit from the blessing of their union. Happy Anniversary!

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