Saturday, January 24, 2009

Reflecting Christ in India

Sometimes I struggle with hearing from the Lord--truly discerning His voice amid the self-seeking desires in my heart. But this week I heard from the Lord loud and clear about a ministry opportunity I'm so excited to share with you!!!
Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking with the founder of an organization called Charasia, a ministry based in Southeast Asia. It rescues girls born into brothels in India and places them in the loving care of Christ-centered orphanages. Women who were rescued from the bondage of prostitution help to nurture and teach these children both the love of Christ and English skills. (If you don't know the English language in India your chances of advancing beyond the poverty line are slim). This incredible outreach also sponsors many local churches in the area. I'm so excited to partner with them in some small way!
I know a lot of us, myself included, are scared about the economy being in the midst of a recession. It's hard for me to give liberally when I feel things are tight at home with a husband and two kids. But after watching the movie "Slumdog Millionaire," which tells the story of a boy who grows up in the slums of Mumbai, my heart was so moved to do something--ANYTHING--to help advance the efforts of shining the light of Christ in such a dark country.
While the situation seems so bleak (I cannot believe the level of depravity such innocent souls are exposed to), the truth is, we can do something about it. We can commit to prayer. We can devote our time and talents to organizations such as these to allow them to minister effectively. And we can invest our financial resources if we so choose to shine the light of Christ at the epicenter of evil.
I sure hope you understand I'm not sharing this with the intention of pressuring anyone one way or the other...But I just feel compelled to share this passion of my heart with you.

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