Monday, February 15, 2010


"Marriage is those two thousand indistinguishable conversations, chatted over two thousand indistinguishable breakfasts, where intimacy turns like a slow wheel. How do you measure the worth of becoming that familiar to somebody?" --Committed, Elizabeth Gilbert
Jeff and I are in the midst of our second, most solid year of marriage. I love watching time pass on his face, I like the way he wrinkles his nose when he's silly and nicknames all the girls in his family...and I love how a thousand creative pistons fire off in his mind to string words together so beautifully in poetic form...and how he superimposes those words on a graphic so I can have a permanent visual reminder of his love for me. (What I not-so-love is how he slaps those poems on the backs of photo frames so no one sees them. He made me remove the beautiful poem he made for me...grrrrr).
We enjoyed each other at leisure in Chicago this weekend. If you trapped the two of us in a box all weekend, we could have a good time...but remind me not to plan a getaway for V-day weekend again! The hotel was so booked, they ran out of king and queen size beds. Nothing spells romance like two double-beds, right? And it didn't occur to my pea brain to make a dinner reservation until we ended up having dinner with the early birds at 3:30! (Mind you, it was probably the best meal of my life, but still)...Nonetheless, we were love-struck by cupid and I've got a great restaurant recommendation if you need one.
Happy Belated V-Day, everyone!

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