It's planting season in my household...My husband never gets excited about housework, but just ask him about our basil plant and he'll light up! He loves our little herb garden more than I do...This year he's planted rosemary, leeks, basil and mint! It's actually quite convenient and cost-effective to have plenty of herbs at my disposal--I highly recommend it to friends. I wish I had a green thumb to plant tomatoes and garlic so I could make bruchetta in a heartbeat but I don't trust myself with anything live! My husband's in charge of everything of the reasons I love the spring/summer seasons so much is that I get to put my husband to work--mowing the lawn, gardening, grilling dinner! It's quite the turn on to see Jeff being so industrious!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary...
It's planting season in my household...My husband never gets excited about housework, but just ask him about our basil plant and he'll light up! He loves our little herb garden more than I do...This year he's planted rosemary, leeks, basil and mint! It's actually quite convenient and cost-effective to have plenty of herbs at my disposal--I highly recommend it to friends. I wish I had a green thumb to plant tomatoes and garlic so I could make bruchetta in a heartbeat but I don't trust myself with anything live! My husband's in charge of everything of the reasons I love the spring/summer seasons so much is that I get to put my husband to work--mowing the lawn, gardening, grilling dinner! It's quite the turn on to see Jeff being so industrious!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happiness = Being an Aunt
Your niece asks you to take her to the "potty" and it's the highlight of your night.
You've got a mean headache but you can't stop twirling your toddler niece because she wants to dance!
You've got adult company to talk to...but you really just want to give the teddy bears tea.
I'm blessed to have the two sweetest nieces in the world (and the most darling baby nephew) and they're the loves of my life. One of my nieces kept calling me her "big sister" tonight...I reminded her that I'm her aunt (even though I may be young enough to be her sister...ha!) and what a glorious role I get to play in her life! I think being an aunt is kind of like being a grandparent. You get to lavish the little ones with love and enjoy a special bond with them...without any disciplinary demands of parenthood! I LOVE IT! On this Mother's Day weekend I'm especially thankful for my sisters-in-law who are raising the most delightful young ladies I know. And I will be calling on them quite frequently in the future to factor in some critical quality aunt-niece time. I think American Girl is calling my name...what do you say, girls?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
28 years and counting...
THANK YOU to all my friends & family who blessed my b-day with off-key singing, treats, a flood of emails & Facebook posts, and your sweet, smiling faces! I've been celebrating all week. My husband insists I'm not the Queen of All Things but you could've fooled me! :)
My mother-in-law dished up the most delicious scallops & sauteed mushrooms dinner that defies anything you could order at Jonah' most delightful writer's group graced me with the best melt-in-your-mouth molten chocolate mini cakes and a much-needed Starbucks fabulous co-host, Scott Wheeler, blessed me with a pedometer so I can track my mileage and my own pint of pink bubble-gum ice cream!...but my husband would claim he made the biggest sacrifice of all--sitting through an entire Amy Grant concert. Truth be told, I think he snoozed through half of it...but it was one of the highlights of my life!
I'm so grateful for good friends and Ms. Amy's words, "The best is yet to be..."
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Best 30 Seconds of My Life...
If a mack truck slammed into me tonight, I'd die a happy girl.
When Amy Grant hula-hooped onstage into her sound check this afternoon (YES--HULA HOOPED!), about a hundred or so "Grant-heads" (as she affectionately calls her fans) leaped to their feet to cheer on this rockin', middle-aged mama who out-sings and out-gives just about every woman on the planet. Not wearing a stitch of make-up, nearing 50 and looking so stinkin' cute, you just want to throw your arms around her, Amy Grant graciously took pictures and signed autographs for her fans. (Yeah, I know I look like a corpse with this awful flash photography but isn't Amy darling)?
Monday, April 12, 2010
The perfect little man
Max will be the world's best husband someday.
"Can I sweep the kitchen floor?" he asked after dinner (when he finished his second helping of green beans instead of chicken). Sure! "I want to cook for my wife when I grow up," he tells me. "I told my teacher you do all the cooking and cleaning. And you work, too." Jeff protested, "I help!" Max said, "No, you just lie on the couch." He knows it! Such a sweet boy...I ran three miles today and did aerobics for an hour at the gym. I bemoaned that I'm out of shape and not fitting in my summer attire. Max says, "I think you're in shape!" Oh goodness. I'm helping to raise the perfect little man.
Before dinner we took a trip to the Build-a-Bear workshop at Northwoods Mall. Delaney had some b-day money to burn through and all she wanted to do was stuff, stitch and dress a build-a-bear. Cute place. Way over-priced. It was between that or mini fish-like frogs they sell at Hallmark. I'm so grateful she chose a stuffed animal over those little amphibians.
They wanted to sing her Happy Birthday when we walked in but she said, "No--PLEASE DON'T!" They were pretty persistent but she's a girl who knows what she wants.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A night of firsts
Come again?
"My shoe. Can you sign your name here?"
Well, that's a first. I felt like a rock star, ruining Matt's Converse high tops!
It was also my first time going to Winter Jam, the only place on earth you'll find over 9,000 screaming teens belting out lyrics to the the latest Christian songs. I'm still deaf--but the Newsboys made a new fan outta me. What do you think the odds are that Michael Tait would hire me to be his gopher? I'm submitting my resume this morning. I will fetch his water, make him the best coffee ever, and empty his trash cans. The highlight of the concert for me was hands-down Michael belting out "Shine" followed by "Play That Funky Music!"
Thanks so much to all of you who stopped by the 91.5 WCIC booth to chat with me and Scott. You made our night with your encouraging words, hugs, and some of you had some off-the-wall things to say, too--and that's ok, we still love you!
It's one of those nights where I feel blessed to have such an awesome job! Rock on, everyone!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Go Bobcats!
It's with great pride & joy that 91.5 WCIC has officially adopted Charter Oak Primary School (home of the Bobcats) in Peoria's District 150!
We're just bubbling with excitement to get to know all of the 350+ kids and support staff. Our goal is simply to bless the kids in any way the principal and teachers see fit. We'd also like to create mentoring relationships for kids who'd like a little extra guidance.
The reality is that despite being slammed in the news for dwindling funds, pink slips, etc... District 150 has a lot of great stuff going on and we want to cheer on the teachers and students who are making a positive difference in the community! Instead of playing the blame game, we need to roll up our sleeves and invest in these incredible kids to give 'em a little hope.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
In the kitchen...
I tweaked it to my liking from one I saw in a book:
4 cups peeled and diced potatoes
1 cup finely chopped onions
1 and 3/4 cup diced cooked ham
4 cups water
2 tablespoons chicken bouillon granules
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon ground white or black pepper
5 tablespoons butter
5 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
Combine the ham, onions and potatoes in water and boil about 15 minutes or until tender in a stockpot. Then add bouillon and salt and pepper. Meanwhile in another saucepan, melt the butter and slowly add all the flour...then all the milk to create a rue--stir about 5 minutes to get the lumps out. Add the rue to the stockpot. Cook soup until heated through and serve!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
From All My All My Sons
Sharing heart to hearts with ladies at the "Hearts at Home" conference pumped a thousand endorphins in this little brain of mine. There's something incredibly powerful about women banding together in support of one another, swapping stories & hugs, shedding tears, and loving the Lord together. Thank you, ladies, for stopping by the 91.5 WCIC booth to chat. I loved meeting each and every one of you...and especially you adoptive moms. Thanks for inviting me on your play dates. I can't wait to join the club!
I'm blown away by Jeff's talent every time I see him onstage. At first I was nervous that the time investment involved in acting would hurt our marriage, being apart so much. But I've discovered that some time apart actually keeps the honeymoon from ending! I love that he has passions in life that don't involve me.
I hope your weekend was as fun and fulfilling as mine has been! Happy Spring forward day...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
When I'm in Charge...
I'm the kind of girl who considers french fries a vegetable and popcorn a health food.
My husband is scared. Very scared. Before he dropped the kids off with me to go to his rehearsal, he gave me very specific instructions:
1. Read Bible devotions to the kids at 8:30
2. Pray afterwards
3. Have them read in their rooms for quiet time but lights out at 9 for Max, 9:30 for Laney.
Of course, I participate in this family ritual every night we've got the kids...but Jeff knows when the cat's away, the mice come out to play...
As he walked down the porch stairs, Max gave me a sly look and cuddled up to me saying, "You're the best!" Delaney exclaimed, "Yeah, people think you're sooooooo pretty! Can we watch a movie?" Max chimes in, "And eat popcorn, too?" Any parent in their right mind could see through these kids. But ok, I thought, I'll bite. So I popped in a movie. And popped some popcorn. And ok, maybe I snuck in some soda, too. I got so wrapped up in the movie, I lost track of time...until Delaney screamed, "DADDY'S HOME!!!" Within seconds, the kids flew up the stairs. And Jeff stepped in the door with popcorn on the floor and kid blankets everywhere. Uh-oh.
Oh, well. I think it's ok to have fun with the kids sometimes and break some rules. But of course, as Jeff pointed out, that comes with a double-edged sword. The kids don't respect my authority very much...and it's hard for me to follow through on discipline.
I think being a stepmom is a double-edged sword in itself. You're constantly fighting the stereotype of the "evil stepmom" (thanks, Disney!) and you're not a parental figure 100% of the time. The inherent trust of a bona fide parent just isn't there.
So I just try to do my best and pray about the rest...and have my husband pick up the pieces. That's what he's for, right? :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Running the Race
Today I made the first step out of my comfort zone and into Shoe Carnival. I know my stuff when it comes to heels. But with running shoes? I'm clueless. So I called on a dear friend (Jada, I love you!) to help me decode some sneaker lingo. I turned in my 2006 Nike's to "Ms. All-Weather Marathon Runner" and she examined the anatomy of my shoes to point me to a pair best suited for my soles. I left the store laced up with my new lavender Asics. I was so psyched, I even hopped over to a nearby clothing store and bought myself a running outfit! Shhhh...don't tell my husband!
I can't wait to start training for the Steamboat Classic this summer. I realize in the grand scheme of life, this may not be a big deal to you. But for a slug like me, it's a lot to commit to training for a 4K race. I'm excited to challenge my body in a new way, make new friends, and whiz through scenic routes throughout the River City. Now if only spring will get here...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Building the Wall
As I brace myself to enter an insanely busy season of life, I'm letting my mind reflect on the ancient ruins I so loved to explore in Italy. It's a great reminder that "This too shall pass"... Fast forward seven months and I still can't escape the graven images of the burial tunnels and buildings in my mind. The corpses that lay in the catacombs were real people who loved, laughed and worked hard. Were they aware of the legacy they'd leave? What would they think of folks flocking from around the world to see their skeletal remains? And ooohhh, the buildings and bridges...did the laborers who broke skin and sweat blood enjoy the fruits of their labor? They left a legacy of beauty that outlasted their seventy-or-so years on earth.
I don't know about you, but my greatest desire is to leave a legacy that far outlasts me. Last week I met the neatest ladies who traveled from Nashville to Normal to share their hearts on orphan care. One lady said the Lord kept prompting her to read the book of Nehemiah. He returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the destroyed city walls and enlisted the help of many at the Lord's command. It was too huge a task for any one person to bear. "What's gonna be your part in building the wall for 'the least of these'?" she asked. Everyone has a brick to lay. And they all look different. They come in an array of colors. But everyone has a part to play to help the fatherless.
That's where my heart is now...
So in the midst of my crazy busy schedule...and the crazy red tape & expense that I've got to cut through to cross the finish line of a call pressed on my heart...I'm reminded in the quiet moments between me and the Lord that "This too shall pass"... and a hundred years from now when my bones are buried in the ground, hopefully I've left a legacy that far outlasts the here and now.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tween Fashion

"Look at me!" squealed Delaney. As she twirled and sashayed towards me, I caught the price tag in my right palm. Thirty-nine ninety-nine? It's just a wisp of a thing. Not to mention the crazy expensive designer jeans--FOR A TEN-YEAR-OLD! "Puh-leeeeze?" she asked. "I've been gooood!" I can't believe this is the same little girl who made fun of me for liking nice things...She inherited her father's mantra that "used but not abused is just as good as new." But now she's changing her tune. She's just shy of eleven but I'd say she's officially a tween-a-donna.
I took her shopping yesterday...I'm playing "single parent" some nights as Jeff and Max rehearse their play daily since it premiers in mid-March. I like to call it rehearsal hell. It's a logistical nightmare trying to work out Max's schedule since he lives part time in another city. I don't know how on earth we'll pull this one off. Lots of prayer, that's for sure!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friends + Fondue = FUN

I find that I'm only as interesting as the company I keep. I'm so energized every time I meet a woman whose light shines a little brighter than mine in hopes that she reflects her rays on me in some fashion...I'm pretty fortunate to have made some pretty special friends in the past couple of years.
My soul exhaled a deep ahhh-men after spending the evening with some of them on Saturday night. While our guys enjoyed male bonding over game night at the church, we gals got together to chat it up with some chocolate fondue. Why on earth don't we do this more often? Amid the clamor of the daily grind and investing in our loved ones, it can feel hard to justify a girl's night out sometimes...but this weekend I realized I've just got to get together with the girls more often. It's like H2O for my soul.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Connecting Hearts Adoption Conference

If you've got a special place tucked away in your heart to give a child a "forever home," I'd love for you to join me at the "Connecting Hearts with the Forgotten" conference in Normal, IL. It's happening this Saturday from 9am-12:30pm and it's not too late to register by sending an email to It's absolutely free but promises to offer you a wealth of great information.
When my husband and I were initially embarking on this adoption journey, we had no clue where to turn. If we hadn't connected with the "Open Hearts, Open Homes" ministry at Bethany Baptist Church, I'd still be on the fence of whether adopting is the wisest idea. It's scary. It's scary expensive, too! What's the best country to adopt from? The best agency to choose? Is it really God's idea? So many hard to know where to find the answers! Well, I'm willing to sacrifice a little sleep this weekend to find some answers to questions that've surfaced now that we're nearing the end of our home study.
And I simply cannot wait to connect with you! Thank you for joining me on this exciting adventure...
Monday, February 15, 2010
"Marriage is those two thousand indistinguishable conversations, chatted over two thousand indistinguishable breakfasts, where intimacy turns like a slow wheel. How do you measure the worth of becoming that familiar to somebody?" --Committed, Elizabeth Gilbert
Jeff and I are in the midst of our second, most solid year of marriage. I love watching time pass on his face, I like the way he wrinkles his nose when he's silly and nicknames all the girls in his family...and I love how a thousand creative pistons fire off in his mind to string words together so beautifully in poetic form...and how he superimposes those words on a graphic so I can have a permanent visual reminder of his love for me. (What I not-so-love is how he slaps those poems on the backs of photo frames so no one sees them. He made me remove the beautiful poem he made for me...grrrrr).
We enjoyed each other at leisure in Chicago this weekend. If you trapped the two of us in a box all weekend, we could have a good time...but remind me not to plan a getaway for V-day weekend again! The hotel was so booked, they ran out of king and queen size beds. Nothing spells romance like two double-beds, right? And it didn't occur to my pea brain to make a dinner reservation until we ended up having dinner with the early birds at 3:30! (Mind you, it was probably the best meal of my life, but still)...Nonetheless, we were love-struck by cupid and I've got a great restaurant recommendation if you need one.
Happy Belated V-Day, everyone!
Jeff and I are in the midst of our second, most solid year of marriage. I love watching time pass on his face, I like the way he wrinkles his nose when he's silly and nicknames all the girls in his family...and I love how a thousand creative pistons fire off in his mind to string words together so beautifully in poetic form...and how he superimposes those words on a graphic so I can have a permanent visual reminder of his love for me. (What I not-so-love is how he slaps those poems on the backs of photo frames so no one sees them. He made me remove the beautiful poem he made for me...grrrrr).
We enjoyed each other at leisure in Chicago this weekend. If you trapped the two of us in a box all weekend, we could have a good time...but remind me not to plan a getaway for V-day weekend again! The hotel was so booked, they ran out of king and queen size beds. Nothing spells romance like two double-beds, right? And it didn't occur to my pea brain to make a dinner reservation until we ended up having dinner with the early birds at 3:30! (Mind you, it was probably the best meal of my life, but still)...Nonetheless, we were love-struck by cupid and I've got a great restaurant recommendation if you need one.
Happy Belated V-Day, everyone!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Heart Healthy
Seeing photos of myself circa 2007 made me realize I need to lose weight! So does my hunk of a hubby. Here's a tacky snapshot of our wedded blitz to what I would give to fit in that dress again! So tonight Jeff and I did what I never dreamed we'd do together: we blasted through Jillian Michaels' "30-Day Shred" DVD. Yes, she's that scary personal trainer from the Biggest Loser. We panted through butt kicks, ab crunches, jumping name it! Nothing says romance like bicycle reps.
Jeff and I have committed to helping each other get healthy again. I'm on a slippery slope to letting myself go after marriage. Delaney reminded me the other day that I used to be "such a fancy person." WHAT HAPPENED?! I got too comfy, that's what! I hooked my man and I've got a great job that doesn't show my face. To some degree it's been healthy to shift my focus away from my appearance but I don't want my husband and kids to have a slob for a wife and mom.
I'm gonna make more of an effort to look a littler nicer and get my husband in heart-healthy shape...but first I need to treat myself to some cornbread and cookies after my turbo workout!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
M.O.D. Squad
I'm a M.O.D. Squad member and proud of it!
For those not in the know, M.O.D. stands for "Marie Osmond Dolls." I've been high on dolls since I was a little girl. My mom idolized Marie Osmond and often had her eyes glued to QVC, so when Marie launched a line of collectible fine porcelain dolls in 1991, my mom happily hooked me on the habit of doll collecting.
But my dolls from childhood have been tucked away in storage in Hawaii for many years...until now. My stepfather apparently wants to clear his storage space, so every day for the past few days he's been steadily sending dolls my way. Jeff is appalled. Delaney & I are delighted. I've been placing them in all corners of my home to my husband's horror. I better be careful. He threatened to sell them on eBay! No Way!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Books to curl up with...
It's one of those God things.
I made a random call to thank a listener for supporting 91.5 WCIC when I happened to connect with a published Christian author who was looking for someone to join her writer's group.
Without giving it much thought, I accepted her invitation. A group of us gals met for coffee the other day and for the first time in a long time, I felt energized to share my real thoughts and heart in written form. Now I've got the safety net and expertise of a group of women I can trust to inspire me along this journey...
In the meantime, I've got to share a book that whet my appetite for good fiction. I burned my broccoli-cheese soup last night because I was so engrossed in the page-turner, "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. Set in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962, the stories of three very different women (two of them black maids, one of them an aspiring white writer) are woven together in a tale that brings a fresh perspective to our country's racial divide.

Jeff & I are also reading through the book, "Love & War: Finding the Marriage You Dreamed Of" by John & Stasi Eldredge. A couple of nights a week, we take turns reading through chapters out loud together. When it comes to offering a real life snapshot of marriage, they nail it. Their stories provide a great springboard for intimate discussions on overcoming challenges inherent in most marriages...and Jeff & I look forward to reading through it during our quality time together.
I hope the cold of winter provides one good thing: a good excuse to curl up by the fire (or in my case, the space heater) with a good book!
Happy reading, everyone!
I made a random call to thank a listener for supporting 91.5 WCIC when I happened to connect with a published Christian author who was looking for someone to join her writer's group.

In the meantime, I've got to share a book that whet my appetite for good fiction. I burned my broccoli-cheese soup last night because I was so engrossed in the page-turner, "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. Set in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962, the stories of three very different women (two of them black maids, one of them an aspiring white writer) are woven together in a tale that brings a fresh perspective to our country's racial divide.

Jeff & I are also reading through the book, "Love & War: Finding the Marriage You Dreamed Of" by John & Stasi Eldredge. A couple of nights a week, we take turns reading through chapters out loud together. When it comes to offering a real life snapshot of marriage, they nail it. Their stories provide a great springboard for intimate discussions on overcoming challenges inherent in most marriages...and Jeff & I look forward to reading through it during our quality time together.
I hope the cold of winter provides one good thing: a good excuse to curl up by the fire (or in my case, the space heater) with a good book!
Happy reading, everyone!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Max & Cheese
For his b-day dinner he shoveled heaps of Mac & Cheese onto his plate (both the homemade and Kraft versions) and suggested that we call it "Max & Cheese"in his honor. It's about the only thing he eats. Aside from chicken nuggets and strawberry jell-o, which my mother-in-law also provided in ample supply.
He LOVED it.
I should've asked for a side of Tums.
Happy Birthday, Max!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Food is a Family Affair
Gender roles are shifting in homes across the country as more and more women bring home the bacon. I loved hearing from our morning show listeners this week as we discussed how longstanding gender roles in the home are challenged with an increasing number of women out-earning their husbands. Jeff & I both work outside the home full-time but it's always been a tacit understanding between us that I'd do the bulk of the housework. Well, that's become a burden I no longer wanted to bear, so we both agreed to try to equalize our domestic responsibilities.
...And we also decided to include the children in the process! Taking a cue from the Jill & Jeremy Tracey, who decided to make dinner together as a family once a week, I thought it'd be a great idea to do the same with my family.
Every Sunday afternoon once we return from church and have lunch, we get to work on creating a family meal from scratch that we can save and enjoy together on Monday & Tuesday nights. This gives me a break from cooking and teaches the kids valuable skills--like how to make homemade meatballs, how chopping onions makes you cry, and how to use kitchen devices like the food chopper and blender.
As I looked at Max the other day, I thought, "I'm helping to raise a future husband." And that husband, I hope, will someday be a co-contributor in his own home!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Recipe for Compassion

If you’re racking your brain with a way to respond to the devastation in Haiti, Compassion International suggests that you call together a prayer group. You can spend the night praying for Haiti and make one of the most traditional Haitian dishes, Soup Joumou, which they use to celebrate the new year.
This could also provide a unique way to raise some money for relief efforts. You can ask your friends to bring $5 or $10 in exchange for the meal, and send it to Compassion International or Convoy of Hope to deliver much-needed aid.
If you're interested, here's the recipe:
Soup Joumou (Pumpkin Soup)
4 cloves garlic
1 t thyme
¼ t black pepper
1 t salt
1 c sliced green onions
1 pound of stew meat
3 quarts water
1 whole scotch bonnet or habanero pepper
1 pound pumpkin (or winter squash such as butternut), peeled and chopped
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 medium turnips, cubed
4 potatoes, cubed
1 pound cabbage, finely chopped
4 ounces vermicelli pasta (or any thin pasta), broken in half
2 limes, juiced
salt and pepper
Combine the first five ingredients in a large plastic bag. Add the stew meat and shake to coat the meat. Leave in the bag for an hour. Bring the water to a boil in a large pot, and add the meat and chili pepper. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 2 hours. Remove the meat and set aside. Remove the pepper and discard.
Add the pumpkin and carrots, and cook covered until very tender, about 20 minutes. Puree the pumpkin and carrots in the broth, using an immersion blender. Or puree in a standard blender and pour back into the pot. (You may need to do this in several batches.) Add the meat back to the pot.
Add the celery, onion, turnips, and potato to the soup, bring to a boil, and then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Thin the broth with as much water as needed—it should not be too thick. Add cabbage and cook 15 more minutes. Add the vermicelli and cook until it is tender. Thin again with water as needed. Stir in the lime juice. Season with salt and pepper.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Like Father, Like Son
The acting bug bit my husband a long time ago...but now he's passed it onto his son. Jeff and Max will be appearing together in the Peoria Players production, "All My Sons." Jeff auditioned over the weekend and was cast in the role he wanted...and when the director mentioned she was searching for a kid to play the part of a 10-year-old boy, Jeff volunteered Delaney, who's an absolute ham and convinced she missed her calling as a child star. But the director wanted to see Max. So Jeff brought him in for an audition tonight and he got the part! (To Delaney's dismay, might I add).
Tonight they were running lines together...pretty cute. I'm thrilled for them but I'm kind of nervous that I won't see either of them in the next couple of months. Delaney and I will be flying solo a few days a week while the boys craft their acting skills. This could be a dangerous thing! Jeff might come home one night and find the house painted pink.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kids Say the Darndest Things...
-"Daddy, why didn't you name me Darn-it? It goes better with Delaney. Darn-it & Delaney!" exclaimed Max.
-"Stop kissing. We get it. Your life is a love story. We don't need to see it," said Delaney.
-"Thanks for making me do laundry," sighed Delaney. "What about Golden Boy over there? What's HE doing?"
-"Catherine, for such a fancy person, you sure don't have a fancy life! I mean, look at your car," said Delaney.
-(I was teasing the kids and asked if they loved me). "Yeah, because you spoil us," said Max. "That's not the only reason, Max!" exclaimed Delaney. "But it's the main one!" he insisted.
The kids had me in stitches on Tuesday night. I love their honesty. It's a refreshing break from the duplicity that runs rampant in most adults. Our pastor delivered a thought-provoking sermon referencing the scandals of 2009. Tiger Woods. John Edwards. David Letterman.
In a culture where image is everything, as believers who know it truly means nothing. This week I've tried to re-examine my motives in everything I did and said. I've got lots of work to do.
I've also got two kids who keep me honest.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Top Ten Games
In the past year, I've gotten quite a few requests to recommend my favorite family games. So I thought I'd list them here if you'd like to check them out. Also as I type this, Delaney is peering over my shoulder, insisting that I pretty please post this picture of her in my robe. She wants a blog, too, she says. We'll see about that...
#1) Settlers of Catan (Jeff's all-time favorite)
#2) Dominion (Max votes for this one)
#3) Agricola (I enjoy this involves farming)
#4) Bonanza (the bean game! Great party game)
#5) San Juan (Jeff & I play this all the time)
#6) Notre Dame (Delaney's vote)
#7) For Sale (the kids could play this one over and over)
#8) Princes of Florence (Jeff likes playing this w/his brothers)
#9) Elasund (a great two-player strategy game)
#10) Ticket to Ride (another kid vote)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Out with the Old...
Delaney wants to say, "Happy New Year" with her hug mug in hand and her stepmom lying on the couch in exhaustion...about two weeks late! I'm sorry for not updating my blog since returning from Hawaii. The cloud of depression is just starting to lift. (j/k...kinda)!
To kick off the new year I'm fasting from Facebook for three weeks and limiting my time on the Internet at home. (BTW, if this note pops up on my Facebook profile it's because my blog posts import to Facebook automatically--I promise I'm not cheating)! It's done my spirit and family good to reduce the noise of my virtual life.
I'm grateful to be out with the old and on with the new in more ways than one. We chucked the 1972 tree that Jeff treasured for many years. We compromised on keeping the ornaments.
This year my focus is self-care. For so long I've run my body into the ground by not exercising and gorging on sweets for short bursts of energy... and I've justified going to bed late to spend extra time with my husband (and paid for it in the morning)!
Now I'm blocking time in my schedule to workout at least once or twice a week and I've penciled time in my schedule to spend with the Lord instead of sneaking in my devotional readings whenever I have time to spare... I'm also trying to get to bed by 9:45 so that I can be a little more alert for the morning show. And (gasp) I'm delegating some chores to my husband and kids instead of doing it all on my own! I'm not doing myself or my family any favors by assuming burdens that aren't mine solely to bear.
A balanced life for my mind, body and spirit is the goal for 2010. I hope you're on par for a peaceful and balanced new year as well!
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