As I brace myself to enter an insanely busy season of life, I'm letting my mind reflect on the ancient ruins I so loved to explore in Italy. It's a great reminder that "This too shall pass"... Fast forward seven months and I still can't escape the graven images of the burial tunnels and buildings in my mind. The corpses that lay in the catacombs were real people who loved, laughed and worked hard. Were they aware of the legacy they'd leave? What would they think of folks flocking from around the world to see their skeletal remains? And ooohhh, the buildings and bridges...did the laborers who broke skin and sweat blood enjoy the fruits of their labor? They left a legacy of beauty that outlasted their seventy-or-so years on earth.
I don't know about you, but my greatest desire is to leave a legacy that far outlasts me. Last week I met the neatest ladies who traveled from Nashville to Normal to share their hearts on orphan care. One lady said the Lord kept prompting her to read the book of Nehemiah. He returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the destroyed city walls and enlisted the help of many at the Lord's command. It was too huge a task for any one person to bear. "What's gonna be your part in building the wall for 'the least of these'?" she asked. Everyone has a brick to lay. And they all look different. They come in an array of colors. But everyone has a part to play to help the fatherless.
That's where my heart is now...
So in the midst of my crazy busy schedule...and the crazy red tape & expense that I've got to cut through to cross the finish line of a call pressed on my heart...I'm reminded in the quiet moments between me and the Lord that "This too shall pass"... and a hundred years from now when my bones are buried in the ground, hopefully I've left a legacy that far outlasts the here and now.
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