Max will be the world's best husband someday.
"Can I sweep the kitchen floor?" he asked after dinner (when he finished his second helping of green beans instead of chicken). Sure! "I want to cook for my wife when I grow up," he tells me. "I told my teacher you do all the cooking and cleaning. And you work, too." Jeff protested, "I help!" Max said, "No, you just lie on the couch." He knows it! Such a sweet boy...I ran three miles today and did aerobics for an hour at the gym. I bemoaned that I'm out of shape and not fitting in my summer attire. Max says, "I think you're in shape!" Oh goodness. I'm helping to raise the perfect little man.
Before dinner we took a trip to the Build-a-Bear workshop at Northwoods Mall. Delaney had some b-day money to burn through and all she wanted to do was stuff, stitch and dress a build-a-bear. Cute place. Way over-priced. It was between that or mini fish-like frogs they sell at Hallmark. I'm so grateful she chose a stuffed animal over those little amphibians.
They wanted to sing her Happy Birthday when we walked in but she said, "No--PLEASE DON'T!" They were pretty persistent but she's a girl who knows what she wants.
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