Delaney wants to say, "Happy New Year" with her hug mug in hand and her stepmom lying on the couch in exhaustion...about two weeks late! I'm sorry for not updating my blog since returning from Hawaii. The cloud of depression is just starting to lift. (j/k...kinda)!
To kick off the new year I'm fasting from Facebook for three weeks and limiting my time on the Internet at home. (BTW, if this note pops up on my Facebook profile it's because my blog posts import to Facebook automatically--I promise I'm not cheating)! It's done my spirit and family good to reduce the noise of my virtual life.
I'm grateful to be out with the old and on with the new in more ways than one. We chucked the 1972 tree that Jeff treasured for many years. We compromised on keeping the ornaments.
This year my focus is self-care. For so long I've run my body into the ground by not exercising and gorging on sweets for short bursts of energy... and I've justified going to bed late to spend extra time with my husband (and paid for it in the morning)!
Now I'm blocking time in my schedule to workout at least once or twice a week and I've penciled time in my schedule to spend with the Lord instead of sneaking in my devotional readings whenever I have time to spare... I'm also trying to get to bed by 9:45 so that I can be a little more alert for the morning show. And (gasp) I'm delegating some chores to my husband and kids instead of doing it all on my own! I'm not doing myself or my family any favors by assuming burdens that aren't mine solely to bear.
A balanced life for my mind, body and spirit is the goal for 2010. I hope you're on par for a peaceful and balanced new year as well!
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