Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rock Star Hubby

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing Jeff the Rock Star of the Rock Band, Wii! Here's a great snapshot of my husband belting out "Hungry Like a Wolf" with Jeremy Tracey on guitar and our fabulous engineer, Rick, on the drums. (Thanks for the pix, Susie!). This past weekend our station threw a cabin fever party--basically a chance to get all of our families together to mingle and celebrate in the midst of this dreary weather. IT WAS A BLAST. Sometimes Jeff can be shy when he meets people for the first time, but leave it to the Wii to bring him out of his shell. Within minutes of stepping in the door, he grabbed the mic and sang (or rather, screamed) his heart out. It was hilarious! What was even more hilarious was when Jill Tracey commented, "He's pretty good!" I about died of laughter. They wouldn't let him sing in the praise band at church, he's so off-key! But I love him so! Always full of surprises...

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