..."Where a Kid Can Be a Kid"...or "Where an Adult Can Be a Kid!" I was hoping for a quiet Saturday evening with the kids...so I thought, "Why don't we take them to Chuck E. Cheese so that we can visit with each other and play games?" Boy did I pick the wrong place for quiet. Did I mention this was a Saturday night? No one warned this Chuck E. Cheese novice that weekends are jam-packed with kids running amuck. Jeff had a great time, though, playing video games as kids looked on...

Actually I was quite surprised by the sheer volume of parents playing games and not paying attention as their million kids ran around the play center. It was sheer chaos. Jeff and I took turns taking a breather outside. I also made the mistake of purchasing 100 tokens for the kids. (It was part of their Christmas stocking presents). I didn't realize each ride only requires ONE TOKEN. But since I gave each child 50 TOKENS, they played 50 GAMES each! So you can imagine what a long evening that made for...especially with the lines...But the point is, the kids had a blast...And if they want to go again, their Dad can take them!
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