I received a couple of emails from confused listeners asking, "Did I hear right? Did you say Laney wants a SHARK DIVE for Christmas?" Yup! That's exactly what I said. She's obsessed with sharks and can rattle off statistics like no one's business. She wants to move to Hawaii and study marine biology when she grows up. No argument there from me! Here's a picture of Laney in the Indiana Zoo--she actually got to touch small dogwood sharks in a little pool they had for kids. Pretty cool! But she wanted to jump in the big tank and swim with the Great Whites!
Here's Laney on her 9th b-day...My husband made her a shark poster--he's an awesome graphic designer and did a great job. She has every shark book imaginable and a couple of shark tooth necklaces. Frankly, she's got everything shark-related, except an actual shark dive, which I doubt she'll get this Christmas...But if you know anyone who works at Shedd Acquarium in Chicago and can arrange something, lemme know! :)
1 comment:
I love shark's too. Actually I love to hate them. They scare me SOOOO much! My husband says I am weird because I am so scared of them, but I love to watch shark week and any other show about them. I tell my husband I am educating myself about them so they won"t BITE ME!!!! I don't go in the ocean (aka shark water) to let them bite me. As you know there is a lot of shark water in the mid west. Even my children are brainwashed because we go over the river and they always ask "Is that shark water Mommy!" Has your daughter ever seen "JAWS", if not maybe she should. Actually I think that is wonderful that she is not afraid of them. Maybe when she becomes a Marine Biologist she can ask the sharks to PLEASE not bite the scared lady from Bartonville IL. Thanks and have a great day in the LORD!!
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