...means Merry Christmas in Hawaiian! This is the first time in 26 years that I haven't spent the holiday season with my family in Hawaii. For the past week, I've burst into tears at the most random times and I've struggled with a heavy heart every day. When I connected to my mom by phone at long last yesterday, I realized it's because I'm incredibly HOMESICK. This picture was taken of me & Jeff just days before Christmas in 2007. For all you LOST fans out there, do you recognize the back-drop? Think back to the very first episode and the plane crash on the beach. We found the location! :) There was even debris scattered along the beach, which I think are remnants of the filming.
Christmas Eve was spent strolling on the beach. It was the most magical time of my life--my first Christmas with my new husband meeting my family for the first time. We soaked in the sun, marveled at the Honolulu City Lights...and I introduced Jeff to an entirely new cuisine! No matter how far away I move, Hawaii will always be my home sweet home.
Boy does my hubby have a sad puppy on his hands right now! Thankfully, he's the best husband on earth and even brought me flowers last night when I snapped at him iin my depressed mood. Every woman should be so lucky...He's the only person I'd sacrifice the sunshine for!
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