On the right is a picture of the kids serving their Daddy in his favorite way--making him chocolate chip cookies! Today on the air, I mentioned that my husband and I were trying to brainstorm ways to get our whole family involved in volunteer work we can do together. Maybe it's massive sleep deprivation... but neither of us could come up with anything great. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your wonderful suggestions...a couple of you suggested taking the kids to a nursing home. I'm thrilled with that idea because I'm pretty close to my grandparents and I think bridging the generation gap between grandparents and kids is great for everyone! Another caller mentioned raking leaves and shoveling snow for the neighbors. I'll leave that task to my husband! :)
But I really love the email I got from a tired mom who said, "I'd love to do something extra for service but I'm just way too exhausted!" Trust me, I feel your pain! I'm burning the candle on both ends myself.
A lot of listeners are surprised to learn that once I'm done with my morning air shift, I'm still working at the station until 1:30-1:45 in the afternoon...then I've got a husband and two kids to serve when I come home! But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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