This snapshot of me & Scott in the studio captures the essence of our mornings. Can you see the coffee mug about six inches from my arm? It's the lifeline that pumps energy into my brain so that I can keep up with my witty co-host!
A lot of you ask me what time my alarm sounds in the morning. Well, on a typical morning I'm up between 4:15-4:30 a.m. I get dressed in a mad dash and scurry out the door to be at the station by about 5:00 a.m. so that I can write news updates and prep for the show. But the very first thing I do when I walk through the doors is race to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee--between the two of us, we pretty much tank the entire thing by the end of our shift!
I'm not a morning person by nature so it's been a challenge to force my body out of bed before the crack of dawn every day. But I feel incredibly blessed for the privilege of serving you by playing great music that glorifies our Savior and sharing my life with you! My favorite part of the morning (aside from Scott cracking me up non-stop) is talking to those of you who call into our studio line with colorful comments and stories. I really do love hearing from you! Thanks for making it worth waking up so early in the morning!
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