Max is generally all boy--quiet, athletic, physical. But the other night he jumped out of Delaney's closet wearing a fairy outfit and scared the life out of me in more ways than one (while I was tucking Laney into bed). The kids are really into dress up. Every night it takes forever to pick up after the heaps of clothes they leave in their dress-up wake. The kids are going through a weird phase where they like to wear each other's clothes and sleep in them. They think it's funny. Max's boy shorts are awfully tight on Laney but she wears them anyway.
Sorry I've been out of touch online...I've been incredibly busy. Every night we've had something--a party, get together, small group, etc. No down time for me this week! I've got layers of bags under my eyes and have been very short-tempered for lack of sleep. I'm baking right now like crazy for small group tonight and our road trip to Chicago this weekend...we're taking the kids to Shedd Aquarium and Six Flags. Delaney's been dying to go to the aquarium to see the the sharks and Jeff asked for the Six Flags excursion as his Father's Day gift. So...that's it for now but I'll return with lots of pictures on Monday! Enjoy the weekend!
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