Every so often I fall in love with my husband all over again. Tonight was one of those nights. It didn't happen over a candlelight dinner, a walk on the beach or intimate talking: It happened in our Bible study small group! We were asked to lead small group but I was so exhausted from the week, I asked Jeff to take the reigns on this one. He did such a fabulous job. As he facilitated the conversation and asked thought-provoking questions, I found myself so enamored by this wise (and often wise-cracking), tender-hearted man...As our time together was brought to a close, Jeff led a beautiful prayer of blessing, sending two of our small group members out to lead another group. Sometimes I wish I could record the words he so beautifully strings together when he's talking to the Lord. I love hearing my husband pray. I love hearing him tell jokes and getting other people to laugh. I love that my husband is dirty and imperfect but so darn cute, I just want to squeeze him.
As I looked over at Jeff this evening, my thoughts scrolled through the year and half we've been married. I always thought achievement was measured by goals met and awards earned...But if someone asked what my greatest achievement was to date, I would have to say MY MARRIAGE. We've both worked incredibly hard to talk things out, stay emotionally connected, to love each other fiercely when we're being unlovable, and to create a home that offers stability and love to two children who deeply need it.
Sometimes I go through set-backs and I let the enemy infiltrate my thoughts with a negative spirit...and I'm disheartened by the statistics that show 70% of marriages that involve stepchildren fail...But I'm banking on beating those odds. Tonight I feel lucky to have a husband who blesses me with his many gifts of the spirit...and his heart.
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