I've got the best co-workers in the world! As I entered the building at work this morning, I was a little creeped out that the alarms were off and the door was unlocked. So I quietly sneaked my way into the kitchen and screamed my head off when I saw Donovan flipping pancakes in the pitch dark! Jeremy was right behind me, filming my scream! They got me good.
I couldn't believe it, but Jeremy Tracey and Donovan Hill (on air in the afternoons) came in at 4:30 a.m. to make me breakfast. They made pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, grilled pineapple, sliced oranges...the works! And, of course, a fabulous pot of coffee! Isn't that sweet?

And Scott blew me away by bringing in my favorite treat of all time--clown ice-cream cones from Baskin Robbins! Is nothing more fabulous than that? When I'm having a hard day, I head straight to Baskin Robbins for a clown cone and it always cheers me up! I can't believe Scott remembered that! It's the sweetest thing.

And a special thanks to the staff for gift-wrapping 27 Skor bars to mark my 27th birthday. My favorite candy bar of all time is Skor (chocolate-covered toffee) so it's ridiculously crazy that I've now got enough to last all year. And Katie baked me a delicious cake while Lindsay brought in yummy ice cream. I wish I took a picture before blowing out the candles.
Thank you to everyone who made my birthday extra special...from my AMAZING co-workers to my wonderful in-laws (who created the most delicious seafood feast that rivals Jonah's)...It's because of the incredibly special people in my life that I feel so blessed this year.