Imagine being in a packed auditorium with thousands of screaming teens, raging hormones and all! Jeff and I had a blast hanging out with the youth group that Scott's wife ministers to. I've got a newfound respect for Susie. She's got this uncanny ability to love and relate to all the kids. They're so lucky to have her. And Jeff and I felt lucky to be a part of the whole Dare 2 Share experience. Tons of kids gave their lives to Christ, shared the gospel with their friends, or re-dedicated their lives. The worship music was incredible...and the speakers energized the teens with their enthusiasm to spread the gospel. Zane Black taught us some new lingo--Shreddin' the Gnar. It's a term that originated in the early days of skateboarding. It means to go big, never stop, and don't give up.

I think the six middle school girls who Jeff and I chaperoned got the message...in between doing their hair, guy watching, and texting non-stop! Man did they make me feel ancient! The seven of us were packed in a hotel room, so I offered to sleep on the floor so that two girls could sleep on the bed. One girl said, "Well, you're old so you could take the bed!" Zinger. It's true that I'm double their age! I'm so used to being the young one next to Jeff. While the girls were all darling--so precious and sweet--it made me dread the day when Delaney becomes a teen!

Unfortunately we had to hit the road earlier than planned on Saturday because of the impending snowstorm. We arrived back in Peoria at 11pm...and woke up to this incredible white mess. I'm posting this picture for the benefit of my family in Hawaii. Yes, it snows here in the Midwest even in the spring!
After this experience, Jeff and I really want to do something ministry-related together, as a team. He's so much fun to be with and I wouldn't have had nearly as good of a time if he wasn't by my side. I'm so lucky to have him. In my fantasy world, I would have Jeff all to myself, 24/7 and live in a big city.
But alas, reality intervenes...and it's back to the grind tomorrow. I should've taken the day off. I'm so sleep-deprived!