Would you pluck a fish out of the ocean and plop it on the sand, expecting it to grow legs to survive? That's how I feel. Like a plucked fish on land. I need to exchange my sea legs for snow boots.
I spoke to my sister when I got into Peoria...She urged me to call my grandfather ASAP. "He's been crying since your car pulled out," she says. "He's not sleeping, eating or going out with friends because he misses you." Why don't you just fillet my heart?
My brain's on autopilot: Make dinner, unpack, get the house in order for the kids, et cetera. I can't let it communicate with my heart much because I'll break down.
Half my heart is floating over the Pacific Ocean, broken in a gazillion pieces to latch onto each family member I love (my stepdad [who's more like my dad], mom, sister, brother, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins)...the other is here with Jeff. It's hard to function with just half a heart!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Ohana Christmas
Alas, here's a snapshot of the centerpiece my mom purchased for my dining room table. I don't know why she warned me about it beforehand and made it sound scary! Her goal is to class up my house. So she bought me a beautiful candle stand & salt-and-pepper shakers from William-Sonoma, along with a red table runner and kitchen towels. She (along with my stepdad and brother) also wants to buy us a new sofa but I asked her for bedroom furniture instead. I've been doing without a dresser and bed headboard for years...our bedroom looks like a dumping ground for Goodwill. So I'd like it to be a little nicer...
Since Jeff & I are getting furniture as our big gift, we just opened a few gifts and watched my family tear open presents--it was hilarious. My mom got two designer purses and squealed, "You can never have too many purses or shoes!" Oh goodness...this is where I get my purse fetish. Jeff and I stepped into the Kate Spade store along Waikiki and my palms got sweaty. I thought, ok it's between my purse habit or adopting a baby. I guess I'll take the baby.
I hope you're enjoying lots of time with family this Christmas season! I'm wishing you lots of love and aloha from my hometown. I'm praying for ice in Chicago so that our plane is delayed!
I hope you're enjoying lots of time with family this Christmas season! I'm wishing you lots of love and aloha from my hometown. I'm praying for ice in Chicago so that our plane is delayed!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Hungry for Hawaii
Snorkeling all day in Hanauma Bay made me hungry for Hawaii's soul food--poke. World renown chefs are adapting this island specialty as their own--chopped up pieces of raw fish marinated in spices and herbs...and often mixed with seaweed and other relish. Jeff's afraid I'll get mercury poisoning because I'm stuffing my face with this stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner! It's hard to resist when I know I won't get it back in Peoria.
The cuisine in Hawaii makes me cry, I've missed it so much. Here's a sample menu of what I've eaten today: Breakfast: bagels with guava cream cheese and pass-o-guava juice (I had malasadas yesterday); Lunch: taco poke (raw octopus pieces marinated in hot spices and onions), spam & rice, and butter mochi; Dinner: Salmon poke (raw salmon marinated in an onion relish and soy sauce). Dessert: mochi marinated in a sweet teriyaki sauce. The other night Jeff pleaded, "Could we please have chicken wings or something normal for a change?" Ahhhh....normal is such a relative term.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Holiday Lights Tour
Of course, the big news on the island now is the impending arrival of President Obama. There's a no-fly zone stretching over a ten-mile radius of Kailua, so Jeff and I thought we'd head to Kailua Beach before Obama's scheduled to arrive on Wednesday. Lord knows how many restrictions the Secret Service will impose when he arrives! Most presidents stay at Ford Island when they visit Hawaii...but Obama's a local and I'm sure he wants his kids to enjoy the beaches and hang-outs he did as a child. Maybe I'll bump into him at Leonard's when I grab my malasadas tomorrow! (If you're from Hawaii, you know what I'm talking about)...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Surf's Up!
Every winter, the North Shore on Oahu serves up some of the most impressive ocean swells in the world. For a lot of residents on the island, this only means one thing: Surf's Up! This afternoon, Jeff and I sprawled out on Waimea Beach, mesmerized by those who were daring enough to ride the waves. The month of December can bring swells of 25 feet and higher. Jeff wasn't expert enough to even attempt to get on a board there...
But he did surf at Waikiki Beach! He rented a surf board for two hours...but he couldn't quite make it an hour without quitting. Did I mention we're both terribly out of shape? Once he caught a wave, he called it good.
Waikiki Beach is renown for being a tourist trap, but it's also the spot where surfing has its ancestral roots. The Hawaiian Kings surfed there...and it's also one of the best places for beginning surfers because the waves are so rolling and gentle.
Jeff can't get enough of the water...I can't get enough of the sun. He's trying to convince me to go deep sea diving. I think I'll stick to the land, thank you!
Do No Harm
I'm super geeked out on LOST--you know, the most brilliant TV show ever made?! I'm thrilled that the show is filmed on my island of Oahu. While Jeff is fast asleep--can you believe I still wake up at 4:45am Hawaii time?--I'm doing some serious research to find all the LOST locations I can on the island.

And I was psyched to discover that two Christmases ago, when my family took us to the Kahala Resort restaurant as a post-wedding celebration, the same spot where we snapped photos turned out to be the exact place where Jack's flashback wedding scene was filmed in the episode Do No Harm. They exchanged vows at this exact Koko Head gazebo Jeff and I are at!!! Is that the coolest?
And here's a snapshot of Jeff at the crash site of Oceanic Flight 815--Mokule'ia Beach. When my stepdad returned home from work last night, he told me that a patient of his (who works as a teacher at Waipahu High School) got to sit through a day of filming for the upcoming season of LOST. They apparently turned her classroom into a principal's office for the final season (her scene should appear in an episode airing in February). She said the guy who plays John Locke is incredibly nice and by far the sweetest of the actors. They all signed an autographed picture for her and she made a copy for me. I'm so thrilled. It will be proudly displayed on my desk at work!
Ok I'm signing off for now to wake up my husband. I can't take it any longer! I've got the island scoped out for cool photo ops!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
O Christmas Tree
I kid you not when I say we've got the tree Jeff grew up with as a child in our home. Even worse--it's decorated with the same ornaments Jeff grew up with, too! Please rescue me from the '70's tree. I'm having an ornament give-away--for those of you interested in angel doilies and Santa trolls, please email me. It's all yours! I'll even throw in the wooden Big Bird ornament, although my husband would probably argue it's an antique.
The day after Jeff's birthday we celebrated an early Christmas with Max and Laney. My life has been spinning at 150 mph ever since this weekend. I've got at least ten things a day to do to check off on my list.
It was definitely not wise of me to accept a freelance writing job on top of my daily work and family responsibilities! Tonight I conducted a phone interview while chopping onions for my bake potato soup after flying in the door from the bank, Wal-Mart, and Kroger. I don't remember the last time I was this busy...it's a little overwhelming to get everything done by Christmas, isn't it?
It's the only time of year I wish I was a man--no pressure to bake, wrap gifts beautifully, cook and clean, pick the perfect presents...the list goes on and on. Tonight I'm taking a nice long break to try to regain some peace to celebrate the true meaning of the season amid the madness!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
365 Reasons Why...
37 years ago my husband wailed into the world. I'm forever grateful that my in-laws met, made, and raised such an incredible man. No one makes my heart sing like Jeff does. No one makes me laugh harder or drives me crazier, either.
Jeff restores my faith in men every day. He's so good-hearted, faithful, and FUN!
The two little loves of his life concur. Max and Delaney decorated a can entitled "365 Reasons Why We Love You," and inside they wrote on several slips of paper reasons why they appreciate their dad, so when he's having a bad day he can pull out a slip of paper and get a little lift.
I was kind of surprised by some of the things they wrote:
"You don't let us eat junk food all the time like some dads do."
"You tuck us in at night and give good hugs and kisses."
"You take time to do devotions with us."
"You play games with us."
"You're funny and teach us magic tricks."
"You love the Lord and take us to church weekly."
And my personal favorite:
"You married Catherine." (And no, I did not make them write this)!
Happy Birthday, honey! You are well loved, admired and adored!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Snuggie vs. the Softie Wrap
For months, I said I wouldn't be caught dead in a Snuggie. But when the temperature dipped to zero, so did my will-power. Yesterday, as the wind howled at 45 mph, I found myself wrapped in a sensation that's swept the nation. And of course, I had to bring it to work to show it off to my co-host! Scott ridiculed my blanket with sleeves. So I had him try it on. What do you think? Is Scott pretty in pink?

Unbeknownst to me, Scott's wife purchased him a Snuggie knockoff called the "Softie Wrap." He got to try on his early Christmas present this morning! See that grin on his face? He mocks it but I know he loves it!
Did you cave, too, and buy yourself one of these for Christmas? I can't wait to wear it on the airplane! Of course, at that point my husband might request a seat a few aisles down!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
...Not even a mouse

During the Christmas season I love to hear classics like "Breath of Heaven," a song told from Mary's perspective...and "Joseph's Lullaby," which offers a peek into Joseph's heart. But have you ever thought about the birth of Christ from the animal's perspectives as they watched history unfold in their stable? Over the weekend the kids performed in our church's annual Christmas program--this one entitled, "Not Even a Mouse."

It's a story of Sarah church mouse who learned about her ancestors, Hannah and Anna, and their trip to Bethlehem to witness the birth of the Messiah. Laney played one of the twin mice and Max played the part of the donkey. It was pretty cute...and I left the play meditating on 1 Cor. 1:28: He chose the lowly things of this world. Thank goodness He did!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Caroling
For some, it's an ancient and honored tradition. For others, it's a lesson in public humiliation. (Just kidding). My mother-in-law had the best of intentions when she tried to round up the family to go Christmas caroling in her neighborhood. Delaney's been begging to go and she didn't want to disappoint her. All the guys refused to participate--even my husband, who just hours before entertained a thousand church go-ers in an Elf costume! Go figure...
In any case, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law led Max and Delaney in singing "Joy to the World," "Silent Night" and "Away in a Manger" to some friends in the area...all of whom were pretty surprised when they opened their doors. No one wants to hear me sing, so I snapped photos instead!
My precious niece (who Jeff affectionately nicknamed "Beezus") kept belting out "Jingle Bells." She stole the show.
Have you gone Christmas caroling lately? I often think of it as a vanishing holiday tradition in this day and age.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
No, you're not delusional. You really are looking at a picture of Jeff in an Elf costume! He read announcements in church decked out in elf gear for comedic effect. Delaney's squeal when he walked out on stage was priceless. My family's overdosing on holiday cheer this weekend. As I write this I'm blasting Amy Grant's Christmas music while the kids are tangled in Christmas lights...they're decorating our little Charlie Brown tree and poking fun at ornaments from Christmases past.
This holiday season I'm especially grateful for the dear friends Jeff and I have made over the years. We spent all of Friday and Saturday night gift swapping, playing games, and enjoying the company of a close group of friends we've treasured over the past three years. These friendships have enriched our lives beyond measure...But I can't say the same thing about the gifts we get at our annual "Goodwill Swap." Jeff brought home two large, ceramic Chinese lions which he proudly displayed on our fireplace mantel...to my chagrin! Seriously, if anyone wants 'em, send me an email before I take them back to Goodwill! Happy Hot-Chocolate Sipping, everyone!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Teddy Bear Christmas
'Tis the season of holiday parties, frantic shopping and Christmas programs galore. Jeff and I have one Christmas program down and three more to go to support the kids. Max and his classmates performed in a play called "Teddy Bear Christmas" on Tuesday. It was pretty cute and parents especially appreciated that it was short. Every play should have a 30 minute cap, you know what I'm saying? :) Max did a great job...
But of course his big sister, Delaney, egged him on by saying she thinks her play this Friday will be better than the one Max performed in. "I've got the lead role so I'm practically on stage the whole time," she explained. "And it's for a more mature audience." It took everything I had not to bust out laughing...Someone's gotta bring that drama queen back down to earth!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The flu slammed our family pre-Thanksgiving so I apologize for my absence in cyberspace! Here's a snapshot of the kids on Thanksgiving Day. Jeff was in heaven as we celebrated the holiday weekend with his extended family. I don't know anyone on earth who loves his family more than my husband. He could play game after game with his brothers 'till kingdom come. Meanwhile, my idea of holiday heaven is being locked away with my husband on a tropical island, enjoying his company without interruption.
I fell in love with Jeff around this time of year three years ago...what really drew me to him was his sacrificial love for his children and family. Little did I know I'd be signing up for an indefinite amount of snowy winters once we said "I do."
This is always a difficult season for me because I'm thousands of miles away from home. I broke out in tears last night, begging Jeff to let me move back to Hawaii. I don't know if I can handle another winter storm and I long to be with my loved ones. But my husband is a loyal family guy to the core, which I both love and hate. He can't imagine moving away from his kids until they're off to college.
I love Jeff enough to make this sacrifice for now...but let me tell you, I'm counting down the days 'till Max turns 18! Then I'll be saying so long to snow for good!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bite Back Ministry
Max and Delaney are excited about doing their part to change the world. The children's ministry at our church encouraged them to raise funds to purchase nets that will protect children from mosquito-infested parts of the world where malaria is rampant. It's part of Compassion International's "Bite Back" program. Each of the mosquito nets cost $10, so Laney and her friend Alison, went around the neighborhood collecting money.
Of course, sibling rivalry came into play and Max was somehow excluded from this neighborhood effort. So Jeff encouraged him to do some chores around the house to make money...and to hit up his grandparents and other family members to help support this wonderful cause!
Collectively, the kids raised enough to purchase 11 mosquito nets!
It was a great way for them to see how they can participate in God's work.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Merry LEGO Christmas!
Anyway, I just wanted to share a fun little Christmas tradition my parents have created for the kids for the past three years.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fighting the Flu
High fever? Yup. Body aches? Yessir! Chills? Oh boy, did I have 'em! Looks like I got the flu.
Last night was especially bad. I slept on and off but it's hard when your throat's on fire and your head is throbbing. Delaney did a cute little "Get Well Soon" jig for me. But things got a little dicey at 9pm, when my darling ten-year-old stepdaughter decided to practice her violin. Mind you, her bedroom is smack right next to mine and the walls are thin, so I could hear every screeching sound. I went ballistic when I discovered her father actually suggested that she practice her instrument in her room.
Now, I've been known to have a little temper problem. But I let it get the best of me last night. Not my shining moment as a stepmom for sure!
It's very humbling when you have to apologize to your kids for over-reacting. I had a legitimate reason to be upset but I could've exercised a little more self-control, that's for sure! And that's definitely something I want to pass on to the kids. So Delaney and I shared a heart-to-heart today. And she said, "That's ok. I still love you. I have anger management problems, too. Especially with Max." So we talked through what an appropriate response would be when we're angry and how the Lord would want us to relate to one another. We both agreed that we need to take a time-out the instant we feel overly frustrated.
I find it so funny that Delaney is not my daughter by blood because we're so alike. Tonight I promised her a girl's night out...hopefully my low-grade fever will finally go away!
Last night was especially bad. I slept on and off but it's hard when your throat's on fire and your head is throbbing. Delaney did a cute little "Get Well Soon" jig for me. But things got a little dicey at 9pm, when my darling ten-year-old stepdaughter decided to practice her violin. Mind you, her bedroom is smack right next to mine and the walls are thin, so I could hear every screeching sound. I went ballistic when I discovered her father actually suggested that she practice her instrument in her room.
Now, I've been known to have a little temper problem. But I let it get the best of me last night. Not my shining moment as a stepmom for sure!
It's very humbling when you have to apologize to your kids for over-reacting. I had a legitimate reason to be upset but I could've exercised a little more self-control, that's for sure! And that's definitely something I want to pass on to the kids. So Delaney and I shared a heart-to-heart today. And she said, "That's ok. I still love you. I have anger management problems, too. Especially with Max." So we talked through what an appropriate response would be when we're angry and how the Lord would want us to relate to one another. We both agreed that we need to take a time-out the instant we feel overly frustrated.
I find it so funny that Delaney is not my daughter by blood because we're so alike. Tonight I promised her a girl's night out...hopefully my low-grade fever will finally go away!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Estrogenfest '09

It's purely a God thing that I ended up hanging out with Debi Parks (former morning show and mid-day host at WCIC) and Jane Weinhold (fill-in office manager at WCIC). I even shared a room with Debi! I'm afraid I freaked those ladies out a little...Jane kept snapping pictures of me eating at a buffet in Springfield. She threatened to send them to Scott to share on the show! We were the last group on the bus because I could not stop eating...I'm not kidding that I can out-eat my husband...I had a steak, 3 pieces of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, stew, fish fillets, hush puppies, cake, ice cream, salad, sausage...you name it, I threw it on my plate and wolfed it down! She was fully grossed out.
And Debi was shocked that I don't own a brush. I can get dressed and out the door in ten minutes flat. Meanwhile every other woman set their alarms an hour ahead so they could look beautiful for Beth Moore. Not me! Call my crazy but I'd rather sleep than look pretty!
All in all, my spirit was revived and I feel so blessed to have taken part in this incredible experience!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sew Fun
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or Treat
We took the kids trick-or-treating for a while before heading over to a Harvest Party at Trinity Mennonite Church in Morton. They throw the absolute best party on Halloween night complete with carnival games, pumpkin decorating, crafts, candy, and tons of toys. My main incentive for joining the festivities, though, was getting a chance to see my baby niece...is she not the cutest little monkey you ever saw?
As Jeff and I walked to the car, we talked about giving the kids' candy bags away to those who didn't get any. But at the same time, we didn't want to incite World War II with the kids. And we didn't know how to distribute the two candy bags to all those children.
In hindsight, I regret not acting on my kind impulses...there was one girl in particular who caught my eye and I just wanted to grab Laney's bag and give it to her...ugh, I feel bad just thinking about it! But we all make mistakes...and hopefully her parents took her trick-or-treating to make up for it.
Alrightee...it's now time for me to make up for the lack of sleep I've been getting all week. Yay for changing our clocks back an hour tonight! Sweet dreams, everyone...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Between work and dealing with some personal stuff, I've been way too tired to keep up with cooking and cleaning around the house. I think Jeff got the hint tonight that he should make dinner when he found me fast asleep when he came home from work. He scrambled up some bacon and french toast tonight. The kids said it was the best dinner ever.
With such capable guys in my family, I'm kicking myself for not delegating chores like cooking sooner!
The bystander effect
My stomach churned and my heart ached as I read about a 15-year-old California girl who was gang raped and beaten for two hours outside her school's homecoming dance as 20 people watched or took part. Some laughed. Others took pictures.
I'm so sickened over this...today my mind is still preoccupied with the depravity of humanity. I've spontaneously prayed for this girl throughout the day. Jeff & I discussed this story with the children last night (omitting the term "rape" and replacing it with the term "attack")...We challenged them to stick up for their classmates if they're being bullied and to stand their moral ground even if others around them don't share their convictions. If they see someone inflicting harm on someone else and they fail to say anything or inform an authority figure, they share in the guilt of the perpetrator--at least, in my opinion.
Psychology experts say a phenomena called the "bystander effect" kicks in when a large number of people witness a crime. If you're in a crowd and no one's taking action, then inaction becomes the norm. Responsibility among the group is diffused.
It's because of this detached mentality that an innocent 15-year-old girl is in critical condition, no doubt feeling used and betrayed beyond comprehension.
If you get a chance today, please lift her up in prayer.
I'm so sickened over this...today my mind is still preoccupied with the depravity of humanity. I've spontaneously prayed for this girl throughout the day. Jeff & I discussed this story with the children last night (omitting the term "rape" and replacing it with the term "attack")...We challenged them to stick up for their classmates if they're being bullied and to stand their moral ground even if others around them don't share their convictions. If they see someone inflicting harm on someone else and they fail to say anything or inform an authority figure, they share in the guilt of the perpetrator--at least, in my opinion.
Psychology experts say a phenomena called the "bystander effect" kicks in when a large number of people witness a crime. If you're in a crowd and no one's taking action, then inaction becomes the norm. Responsibility among the group is diffused.
It's because of this detached mentality that an innocent 15-year-old girl is in critical condition, no doubt feeling used and betrayed beyond comprehension.
If you get a chance today, please lift her up in prayer.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wild Things
He insisted that we allow Max's friends to spend the night because Delaney has at least one sleepover a month and he's had...well, none! Honestly, it never occurred to me that boys would enjoy sleepovers! My brother never had any.
So far, so good. Only one friend could make it tonight (thanks to the flu just about every kid is down for the count) so the noise level is tolerable. We took the kids to see "Where the Wild Things Are." Their reviews were mixed. Boring and sad was the consensus. I thought the first and last 30 minutes of the film was brilliant...and an accurate portrayal of a childhood colored by loneliness and confusion. Kudos to Spike Jones for directing a children's movie about the reality of childhood.
Alrightee...now back to my reality. Chocolate-chip cookies, anyone?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Farewell, Mobile Friend!
Anyway, I so heavily relied on this phone to keep track of all my friends and family's contact info, that I don't have any way of calling my loved ones at the moment. I don't even know my own mother's number! (Praise God for Facebook and email, right)?
So if you and I happen to be friends who've exchanged digits in the past, would you do me a favor and send me an email or Facebook message with your contact info?
And I'll be changing my cell number at the request of my husband so that I'll no longer have a (617) Boston area code. He's sick of calling long distance when he's trying to get ahold of me, I guess! So if you message me, I'll send you my new # in return.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Home Sick
Meanwhile, Delaney is dancing on the dinner table because I broke the happy news that she got the lead in our church's Christmas play. I haven't seen her this excited since we took her to Six Flags this summer! Jeff is thrilled, too, to coach his daughter to embrace his passion for acting. It's really special--and scary--for Jeff to watch his little girl develop into a young lady with an insightful mind and passion for literature and drama. Yep...we've entered the tween years. Ok, gotta bring some water to Max.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
What's a Wife to Do?
So what do you do?
Lover's Leap
That's one of many stories told at the beloved Starved Rock State Park. I haven't been back since Jeff proposed to me at the nearby Matthiesan State Park. It's the prettiest place I've found in the state to enjoy nice, paved hiking trails. It's especially nice to enjoy the park in the fall as the leaves are changing color. And the surrounding water makes the trails much more scenic, in my opinion. It kind of reminds me of a hike I took with a dear friend of mine in Walden Pond.
But seriously, for the first time this fall season, I've actually enjoyed the fall...the crisp air, colors on the trees, and bundling up to hike a few miles. And since we were somewhat close to Chicago we drove into the city to enjoy dinner. If you like Thai food there's a place called "Tac Quick" in Wrigleyville. The menu is very Americanized so you have to ask for the "secret Thai menu." Jeff tried pan-fried duck eggs...I had the crispy pork skin dish. Very good. And cheap. But if you're not as adventurous I hear the generic stuff is good, too. Just a tip...Facebook won't let me post all my pictures to an album which has frustrated me all morning! But I'll get it done at some point.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sew Fun
BTW, I apologize for being delinquent on blogging...my schedule wore me out and the dreary weather's wearing me down! Ugh...why is it winter in October?
Friday, October 9, 2009
Hard to Get
Hearing him sing "Hard to Get" (written by Rich Mullins) cracked open the door for a whole new dimension of my relationship with Christ. I journeyed through a deep valley this year and never thought I'd see the end of a dark tunnel...I also felt some pressure to have it all together as a radio personality for a Christian station. I coached myself to put on a happy face when I felt anything but happy...and felt guilty as I struggled with private doubts and fears.
So when Phil shared that he felt the same heat, it was very encouraging for me to know that even seasoned believers struggle. And at the same time, God understands our moments when we feel abandoned...and he's got us in the palm of His hand all the way. He sees the big picture while we're struggling in our flesh. So this song has become a prayer for me and I hope a source of encouragement for you, too (here's an abbreviated version of the lyrics):
You who live in heaven
Hear the prayers of those of us who live on earth
Who are afraid of being left by those we love
And who get hardened by the hurt
Do you remember when You lived down here where we all scrape
To find the faith to ask for daily bread
Did You forget about us after You had flown away
Well I memorized every word You said
Still I'm so scared, I'm holding my breath
While You're up there just playing hard to get
Will those who mourn be left uncomforted
While You're up there just playing hard to get?
And I know you bore our sorrows
And I know you feel our pain
And I know it would not hurt any less
Even if it could be explained
And I know that I am only lashing out
At the One who loves me most
And after I figured this, somehow
All I really need to know
Is if You who live in eternity
Hear the prayers of those of us who live in time
We can't see what's ahead
And we can not get free of what we've left behind
I'm reeling from these voices that keep screaming in my ears
All the words of shame and doubt, blame and regret
I can't see how You're leading me unless You've led me here
Where I'm lost enough to let myself be led
And so You've been here all along I guess
It's just Your ways and You are just plain hard to get
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My favorite girl
"A little Catherine-in-training"...was how a special little girl by the name of Maddy was introduced to me tonight by her sweet mother. I know, I know. That sounds awfully scary! :) Maddy tells me she listens to the morning show every day and she colored the most beautiful pictures for me, which I now proudly display on my desk. Meeting Maddy was the highlight of my week! And I've had an awfully good start to the week! Thank you, Maddy, for inviting me into your princess world. I love you! You've now become a part of my heart.
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